7 Social Media Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Business 1. Engagement- My first tip would be to comment and like other posts based on a hashtag, upon those who might be interested in your content or purchasing your products. Your ideal target hashtag. For example, if you would like to sell screen printed t-shirts […]
TIPS FOR SCREEN PRINTING WITH METALLIC LOW CURE INK! Our foil grade metallic ink comes in handy for a shiny and bright print. The ink contains actual metallic flakes that are added within the ink, creating a metallic look to your print. We have two options available either metallic gold or silver. The below print […]
Fusion 180 has excellent coverage and opacity! These are our top 10 favorite prints from this month!LOW CURE INK WORKS ON ALL FABRICS. PRINT ABOVE IS OUR WHITE INK ON 100% COTTON. WE USED AN UNDER-BASE PRINT. THE INK COVERS FIBERS.
Finding the Right Exposure Time Background: Exposure times will vary depending on multiple factors. These factors include the amount of emulsion that is coated onto our screens, the age of our exposure bulb, as well as the mesh that we use. Lastly, the time will also depend upon the wattage of our unit. The key […]
11 Tips for the Care and Handling of Screens Taking care of your screens is simple by following our eleven simple tips. Additional care is necessary between degreasing to when we expose the screens. Screens tend to attract dust as well as other contaminants when they are wet. These contaminants then can create pinholes when […]
Happy NEW YEAR! We are so grateful for all of our amazing customers and we wish you nothing but happiness, joy, success, and peace in 2020. This post is revealing our TOP 35 prints of 2019! If you would like us to feature your prints of 2019 PLEASE comment below. As always, we want to […]
How to Create Halftone Dots in Photoshop Halftone dots are present in magazines, newspapers, as well as screen printed garments. If you look at an image on a newspaper it will seem as though it is continuous. However, if you look even closer, you’ll now realize it is actually thousands of tiny dots. These dots […]
5 New Videos Curing Fusion 180 Ink with a Flash Curing Fusion 180 Ink with a flash will save you both time and money. READ HOW: 1. SAVE MONEY: –LABOR When you flash cure each press only needs two people. One person to load and one to offload onto a table.-GAS BILLS When you flash […]
Mesh Formulas to Know for Screen Printing with Halftone Dots In order to select the right mesh for the correct job it should depend on the type of ink you use, garment you print on, and the artwork that needs to be printed onto the garment. Basic Recommendations: 30 Mesh: Glitter Ink 60 Mesh: Athletic […]
Top 13 Screen Prints this Fall Solutions to your screen printing problems are here with low cure ink. All you have to do is lower the temperature of your dryer and you will be able to screen print on ALL fabrics without a catalyst… whether it be cotton, polyester, non woven, nylon, or polypropylene we […]