Top 8 Prints with Our New Biodegradable Ink!

Top 8 Prints with Our New Biodegradable Ink!

Low cure ink is the solution to all of your print life issues including printing on heat sensitive materials. Our ink is now biodegradable and is still super soft and creamy.

-The ink works on all fabrics

-You do not need a catalyst and you do not have to worry about ink expiring

-The ink covers fibers on cotton

-The ink has excellent coverage and opacity


100% Cotton

-You can increase production by curing the ink with a flash

The ink blocks dye migration on polyester, prevents heat sensitive fabrics from burning, and prevents scorching.

-You can mix any custom color yourself with our start up kit

-We can mix a custom color for you at a gallon!

What are you waiting for? Switch to low cure biodegradable ink today and go green!

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